Another foreign trip of students from Primary School No. 2 in Pisz.

On March 12-18, five students and two guardians participated in a trip to Romania as part of the Erasmus Plus Project – Strategic Partnership – Cooperation of Schools. Strategic Partnerships in the field of school education aim to support the exchange of good practice between schools from different Program Countries.

Students from schools in Spain, Romania, Great Britain and Poland take part in the project. During the visit, we implemented a program under the Project “Let’s stop violence and promote mutual kindness”. This was the next stage of our project, because we had already participated in mobility in Spain and Great Britain. We visited the school of our Romanian partners. We were greeted with bread and salt which was very symbolic and nice. Students in traditional folk costumes presented us with an artistic program, there was also singing and regional dances. During our stay in Romania, we carried out tasks in accordance with the developed program, mainly related to the objectives of our project.

As part of group work, students dealt with the following issues: “How do I spend my time online?” and “Social Media in Education”. Parents worked on the topic: “How do parents monitor children’s activity on the Internet?”. The teachers, on the other hand, dealt with the topic: “Integration of activities in social media for educational purposes”. The effects of group work were presented to all project participants. During our trip, we visited and admired the charms of our partners’ region and country. We visited the Suceava Castle, also called the throne fortress, it was built at the end of the 14th century. Together with Spanish, British and Romanian students and carers, we had the pleasure of visiting Sinai. Sinaia is a small town located in Wallachia. It lies at the foot of the Bucegi Mountains and plays the honorable role of a popular tourist resort. The main attraction of the city is the extremely impressive Peles Palace. We were all delighted with the interior of this facility. We also visited Bran Castle, one of the most famous castles in Europe and a symbol of Romania. Associated mainly with Stoker’s novel, Count Dracula.

The next city we admired was Brasov, which is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in Romania. A very picturesque town whose main attraction is the perfectly preserved Old Town. Our trip to Romania is another experience and skills that our students have gained.

Together with Mrs. B. Wawrzyńska, we believe that the students made full use of the time that I would give them to experience an amazing adventure.

Our students were moved to say goodbye to their friends from Spain, Great Britain and Romania. The next meeting of all partner groups will take place in Pisz in June.

Project coordinator at school – Krystyna Kamka.