Project Erasmus+

„Let's remove bullying and promote kindness to one another”

nr 2020-1-UK01-KA229-078813_5



Dear Friend!
We have prepared a survey about cyberbullying. There is 14 questions.
The survey is anonymous. Please fill it out!

  1. Do you know what cyberbullying is?
  2. Have you ever been a victim of cyberbullying?
  3. Has anyone ever used your photo without your permission online?
  4. Have you ever experienced aggressive behavior from a peer online?
  5. Do your parents/guardians control what you do online?
  6. Have you ever witnessed cyberbullying?
  7. Have you ever made fun of someone online?
  8. Have you reacted in any way when you knew or saw someone getting hurt online?
  9. Write about how you helped a hurt person.
  10. Do you think cyberbullying is a big problem in your school?
  11. I am a school student in:
  12. I am aged:

Thank you for completing this survey!

- Students participating in the Erasmus+ Program.