School of Henryk Sienkiewicz in Pisz

  • It is in Poland
  • It is in voivodeship Masuria
  • It is located in Pisz County
  • It is located at Lipowa 15 street
  • It includes a sports hall where basketball
  • Competitions are often held
  • On the school grounds there is a football pitch
  • There is a swimming pool nearby

Children aged 7-15 go to this school. Children’s mood is really good, everyone is happy. There are 44 teachers and 29 classes in our school. In our school are organized days: Women’s day, Man’s day, Valentines day, Christmas Eve, Sport’s day and many other.

Our Erasmus Group


Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 1 w Piszu
ul. Gustawa Gizewiusza 8, 12-200 Pisz

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2
im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Piszu

ul. Lipowa 15, 12-200 Pisz

Małgorzata Wyszyńska

Project coordinator
Krystyna Kamka